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Results for: "C.P.Bryan" In random order.
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Track Name / Length / Usage Status
Happy Dragon / 1:35 / FREE
Happy Dragon
Cheerful, Youthful, Hopeful, Bright, Clarity, Positive, Optimistic musicA fast-paced, simple, synthetic melody with electronic woodblock, orchestral triangle and Chinese Dragon Festival drums. Somehow I get a Celtic vibe along with the obvious oriental feel. Do you know that the dragon is a mythical creature of both Chinese and Welsh cultures going back thousands of years? And how is it that historical depictions of dragons in Chinese culture look very similar to the Welsh counterparts? Composed by C.P.Bryan. Recommended search words: kidshow, themes, cartoon, whimsical, happiness, electronica
Couch Surfing Punk Blues / 2:59 / FREE
Couch Surfing Punk Blues
Energetic, Stimulating, Enthusiastic, Motivational, Active, Exercise, Dance and Sports background musicFast-paced blues rock with some frantic Wipeout-style reverberated drumming. This track has a raw garage-band type sound (maybe because it was recorded in a garage!) Composed by C.P.Bryan Recommended search words: rock, excitement, aggression, tension, peppy, action, Electric_Guitar, Heavy_Drumming, alternative, epic
Solitude / 0:49 / FREE
Soundtracks for Natural, Organic, Refreshing, Crisp, Clean and Simple themesFlute and string section conspire to provide a somewhat over-the-top pull on the emotional heartstrings. Composed by C.P.Bryan. Recommended search words: orchestral, neoclassical, relaxing, cinematic, sentimental, ambient, atmospheres, Flute-Woodwinds, Violin_Strings, calm
Ectoplasmatron / 2:04 / 1 credit
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Solitude, Ethereal, Cloudy, Muddled, Uncertain, Foggy, Indistinct, Mysterious, Unknown, Obscure, Empty Vast interplanetary matter compiler or a sputtering metaphysical device. Plastic, amorphous, spinning, regenerating. Composed by C.P.Bryan. Recommended search words: ambient, electronica, industrial, fascination, sci-fi, fantasy, experimental, weirdo, cinematic, soundscape, atmospheres
Atomic Isle Revisited / 2:08 / FREE
Atomic Isle Revisited
Soundtracks for Natural, Organic, Refreshing, Crisp, Clean and Simple themesDense melodic pattern with orchestral strings, nylon acoustic guitar and concert piano sounds to use as a soundbed for documentary style and video production of a more serious tone. The mood is somewhat brooding and contemplative. Composed by C.P.Bryan. Recommended search words: neoclassical, intrigue, business, cinematic, fascination, suspense, melancholy
Hit The Klondike / 2:54 / 1 credit
Hit The Klondike
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For Meditative, Contemplative, Relaxing, Peaceful, Quiet, and Spiritual Dramatic ThemesA spaghetti western dub saga in the style of Hillbilly Techno: banjo picking, gunshots, sample looping and liberal effects. Alternately slow and pensive or a fast-tempo hootenanny stomp. Composed by C.P.Bryan Recommended search words: melancholy, excitement, reggae, cinematic, cowboy, country, weirdo, electronica, themes, Piano_Keyboards, Ethnic-World
Orchestral Prologue / 1:20 / 1 credit
Orchestral Prologue
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Soundtracks for Natural, Organic, Refreshing, Crisp, Clean and Simple themesthis is like when you go to an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical and the orchestra sets the tone with an opening theme before the acting starts (except that it is played on a cheezy 8-bit synthesizer). Composed by C.P.Bryan. Recommended search words: happiness, neoclassical, anticipation, orchestral, cinematic, themes, Saxophone
Awfully Spooky Violin / 0:27 / FREE
Awfully Spooky Violin
Angry, Terrified, Frightened, Evil, Scary, Supernatural, Shocking, Abrassive musicThis track will probably only be useful for creating a very unsettling mood of dramatic tension. A spooky and grating violin scratches while a minimal electronic bass and drum rhythm section marches away in the background. Horrorshow. Composed by C.P.Bryan Recommended search words: fear, chaos, alienation, halloween, cinematic, horror, industrial, experimental, aggression, suspense
Rustic Seaside Village / 2:21 / 1 credit
Rustic Seaside Village
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Cheerful, Youthful, Hopeful, Bright, Clarity, Positive, Optimistic musicImagine a goat path on the cliffs and through the dunes bordering on the Peruvian coastline. Could be the melody of a simple folk song extolling the virtues of a simple rustic life. If you listen closely you may be able to hear the waves of the ocean and the clank of the wooden bells that the goats wear around their necks. Composed by C.P.Bryan. Recommended search words: kidshow, ambient, mellow, happiness, upbeat, sentimental, themes, neoclassical, Ethnic-World, cheerful
Melancholic Classical / 1:20 / 1 credit
Melancholic Classical
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A minimal, melancholic theme with a classical music feel. Composed by C.P.Bryan. Recommended search words: orchestral, ambient, melancholy, alienation, neoclassical, themes
In Xanadu / 0:49 / FREE
In Xanadu
Music for Imagination, Magic, Fables, Inspiration, Folklore and FantasyIn Xanadu did Khubla Khan a pleasure dome decree. Stark, lonely electronic melody. Composed by C.P.Bryan. Recommended search words: melancholy, electronica, alienation, mellow, fascination, exotic, suspense, Synthesizer
Clown Intro Phrase / 0:48 / 1 credit
Clown Intro Phrase
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Cheerful, Youthful, Hopeful, Bright, Clarity, Positive, Optimistic musicRepeating goofy melody for slapstick or lighthearted hijinks. Zippy The Pinhead, Crusty The Clown, pie-in-the face sort of thing. Might also work as background music for video footage of waterskiing chipmunks and the like. Composed by C.P.Bryan. Recommended search words: kidshow, whimsical, happiness, cartoon, peppy, action, motion
Full Mellow Jacket / 3:05 / 1 credit
Full Mellow Jacket
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Relaxing, Calm, Sullen, Sad, Withdrawing, Morose, Soothing and Ambient musicCool and relaxing piano melody with additional atmospheric instrumentation and ambience making for a subtle and pleasant musical background for a variety of video production uses. Composed by C.P.Bryan. Recommended search words: smooth, mellow, business, sentimental, dreamy, lounge, ambient
Miami Speedboat Style / 3:49 / 1 credit
Miami Speedboat Style
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Soundtracks for Agressive, Passionate, Reactive, Powerful, Action and High Energy video subjectsSome may remember a very popular cop show from the 1980s that often felt like an extended play music video. It was about a couple of vice cops on the beat in Miami who created a whole new fashion style: The wrinkled linen suits, the wind-ravaged, spiky hairdos matched by 2-3 days of beard stubble. This track could well be an homage to the soundtrack music of that era: the heavily reverbed snare hits, the lock-step programmed synth bass line, the sleazy saxophone solo. For those looking for retro background music for action sequences, this might well fit the bill... Composed by C.P.Bryan. Recommended search words: action, adventure, peppy, Saxophone, funky, motion, excitement, cinematic, suspense, Heavy_Drumming
Never Trust A Computer / 1:34 / 1 credit
Never Trust A Computer
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Soundtracks for Agressive, Passionate, Reactive, Powerful, Action and High Energy video subjectsEarly techno era dance vibe played on old analog synthesizer equipment: Yamaha CS01, Casio 4-bit sampler and a REAL 808 drum machine. Composed by C.P.Bryan Recommended search words: dancefloor, funky, excitement, techno, electronica, peppy, action
Cool, Electric, Programmed, Calculating, Artificial, Complex, Cyborg, Robots, Calculating musicQuirky dub reggae experimentalism with hip-hop cut-n-mix stylings. You get a throbbing bass, rimshot drum hits zooming through a spring reverb vortex, funky organ and many other audio surprises all thrown into the mix. Use in start/stop action scenes or cut segments out to provide background music for special video or dramatic effects. Composed by C.P.Bryan. Recommended search words: electronica, industrial, chaos, cartoon, weirdo, Heavy_Drumming
Mellow In Funkytown / 1:20 / 1 credit
Mellow In Funkytown
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Energetic, Stimulating, Enthusiastic, Motivational, Active, Exercise, Dance and Sports background musicKeep on trucking down the highways and byways of life... This light and breezy bass and drum phrase makes a simple and upbeat backdrop for video scenery where you do not want the music to interfere too much with what is going on in the visual composition. One example would be like a brief cutaway to background activity in-between narrative segments. Composed by C.P.Bryan. Recommended search words: funky, upbeat, mellow, business, Bass_Guitar, motion, atmospheres, smooth
Factory Machine Noises 2 / 2:25 / 1 credit
Factory Machine Noises 2
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Part 2 of recording made in a factory with heavy industrial machine noises: squeaks, thumps and squeals, grinding metal, sprays, hoses, conveyer belts and the shouts of workers. Composed by C.P.Bryan Recommended search words: environmental, chaos, experimental, atmospheres
Dazed In Jungle Hut / 1:04 / FREE
Dazed In Jungle Hut
For Meditative, Contemplative, Relaxing, Peaceful, Quiet, and Spiritual Dramatic ThemesLike the patter of rain on the bamboo roof of a hut situated in the rainforest mixed with a hip-hop style breakbeat topped with breathy and burbling synthesizers. Composed by C.p.Bryan. Recommended search words: lounge, DJ_Decks, atmospheres, soundscape, environments, ambient, exotic, electronica, experimental, cinematic
Piano Doldrums / 1:01 / FREE
Piano Doldrums
Solitude, Ethereal, Cloudy, Muddled, Uncertain, Foggy, Indistinct, Mysterious, Unknown, Obscure, Empty Minimal piano chords creating an atmosphere of tension and stagnation. Composed by C.P.Bryan. Recommended search words: melancholy, ambient, fear, mellow, electronica, experimental, soundscape, atmospheres, Piano_Keyboards
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